

P4architecture, is an internationally awarded architecture firm founded in 2014 in Greece, with studios in Athens, Messenia, and Rhodes.
We are a research-driven design studio, uniting architects, engineers, and designers who collectively share a set of core values and principles.

Our design process integrates academic research and the reality of practice, weaving connections that nurture a symbiotic relationship.
For us, architecture is a long, ongoing dialogue emphasizing framing the right questions rather than finding immediate answers.
In our process, simplicity is our guiding principle as we navigate the increasing complexity of contemporary challenges.

Architecture, for us, serves as a timeless framework rooted in tradition yet open to innovation.
It is our medium for self-expression, the embodiment of our values, and our way to impact the built environment.
Through architecture, we evoke the history to which we belong and aspire to be a part of.


Alkiviadis Pyliotis (Founding Partner) is an Architect-engineer and co-founder of the Architecture studio P4architecture. He studied architecture at the Harvard Graduate School of Design (Master in Architecture II, 2020) and the National Technical University of Athens, where he graduated with honors (Diploma, 2017). He teaches Architectural Design as an adjunct Professor at the Department of Architecture of the University of Patras. He has taught Architectural design at Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston (Architecture studio 01, 02, 08). He introduced and taught the “Synthesis as a Process” course at Harvard Graduate School of Design (Summer Course, J-term). He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in the School of Architecture of NTUA with a research topic on the concept of type and its effect on the process of Architectural composition.In 2014, he co-founded the architecture studio P4architecture, which focuses on projects in Greece and abroad based in Athens, Kalamata, and Rhodes. The office’s work has won awards in several international Architectural competitions, received numerous distinctions, exhibited in a series of art and architectural exhibitions, and published in the global electronic and print press.


Konstantinos Pyliotis (Founding Partner) is an architect-engineer and co-founder of the architecture studio P4architecture. He studied architecture at the Architecture School of the National Technical University of Athens. He continued his academic research in the post-graduate master’s program at N.T.U.A School of Architecture, where he graduated with honors. During his master’s degree, he taught architecture design as a teaching assistant. In 2014, he co-founded the architecture office P4architecture; since then, he has been awarded several distinctions and honorary mentions in international architectural competitions and published in the international electronic and printed press. Konstantinos oversees each project from initial design to completion of construction, pursuing a holistic approach to architecture.

Evangelos Fokialis (Founding Partner) is an architect-engineer and co-founder of the architecture studio P4architecture. He studied architecture at Harvard Graduate School of Design (Master in Architecture II, 2020) and the National Technical University of Athens (Diploma, 2017). He has taught Architectural Design as an adjunct professor at the Wentworth Insitute of Technology in Boston (Architecture Studio 01,02,08). He has introduced and taught the course “Synthesis as a Process” at Harvard GSD (Summer Course, J-term).

In 2014, he co-founded the architecture studio P4architecture, which focuses on projects in Greece and abroad, with offices in Athens, Kalamata, and Rhodes. The office’s work has won awards and several international Architectural competitions, received numerous distinctions, exhibited in a series of art and architectural exhibitions, and published in the global electronic and print press.



Panayiota Kyriakou, Architect Engineer, NTUA
Chara Kaika, Architect Engineer, NTUA
Lydia Panagoulia, Architect Engineer, DoAUP
Foteini Kontou, Architecture Student, NTUA
Aggeliki Kontokosta, Architecture Student, NTUA
Glykeria Gkourbali, Architecture Student, DoAUP
Katerina Pylioti, Civil Engineer, NTUA
Andreas Petropoulos, Interior Design Consultant
Michalis Meggios, 3D Artist
Dousis Marble (Konstantinos Dousis, Nikolaos Doulos)
Fotis Georgakas, Marble Sculptor
Skalos EPE, Civil Engineers Consultants
Sourilas Konstantinos, Mechanical Engineer (KNS engineering consultants)
Pinelopi Marnezou, Architecture Student, NTUA
Chrysi Gkolemi, Architect, Landscape Architect MLA
Chrysothemis Kouloumenta, Architect Engineer
Foteini Kallikouni, Architect Engineer
Aimilios Kourafas, Architect Engineer
Angeliki Chrisimou, Architect Engineer
Apostolis Kassios, Architect Engineer
Theodore Panopoulos, Architect Engineer
Michail Xirokostas, Architect Engineer
Panagiotis Niarchos, Architect Engineer
Markelos Galenos, Architect Engineer
Marianthi Papaggelopoulou, Architect Engineer
Aristotelis-Rafail Sergios, Architect Engineer


Honorable Mention
in the International Competition for Alicante’s New Congress Center, “Linear Agora”, 2023

Peers Award
at the category Best Completed Work of the
Greek Architecture Awards, by DOMa, “Mani Residences”, 2024

Mention Award
at the category Best Project
of the Greek Architecture Awards, by DOMa, “Salakos Barn House”, 2024

in the 11th Biennale of Young Greek Architects, by the Hellenic Institute of Architecture, “Frames of Co-Living” and “Mani Residences”, 2023

Winning Proposal,
International Competition for the public student housing in Nicosia, Cyprus,
“Frames of Co-Living”, 2021 

Doma Peers Award
in the Residential category, Research Period, “Linear Habitat”, 2020

2nd Award
in the European Competition for the Cultural Village of Lempa, ‘Inherent Simplicity”, 2016

“EUROPE 40 UNDER 40” Award
to Konstantinos Pyliotis, by European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies

Highlighted moments

Conference “Revitalization of Historic Settlements – The Case of Romyri”

As part of the initiative to revitalize the historic settlement of Romyri, a successful
conference titled “Revitalization of Historic Settlements – The Case of the Romyri Settlement” was
held on the weekend of November 9–10 at the Methoni Cultural Center. The conference was
organized by the Local Cultural Association of Romyri, in collaboration with the architectural
team P4architecture and the National Technical University of Athens, with the support
of the Municipality of Pylos–Nestor.

Public Architectural Tour in the Settlement of Romyri

On November 10, we visited the historic settlement of Romyri, embarking on a guided tour
through its most significant buildings, the upcoming public square and the restored churches.
The visit concluded joyfully with a celebration and a communal meal, bringing everyone
together in true Romyri spirit.

Opening of the “Romyri Revival” Exhibition
at the Cultural Center of Methoni, Messenia

The exhibition showcases an analysis of the settlement’s most significant buildings
and the architectural interventions proposed for its strategic revitalization. A key feature
of the exhibition is the work of student teams from the NTUA School of Architecture,
who visited Romyri in 2023 as part of the course “Special Topics in Building Technology,
8th Semester – Restoration of Traditional Buildings.” The curation of the exhibition
was undertaken by P4architecture

“Salakos Barn House” was presented at
DOMA Diaries 04 in Benaki Museum

Salakos Barn House was presented at DOMA Diaries 04, held at the Benaki Museum
on Thursday, 10.10.2024. The presentation focused on the design process,
highlighting the synthetic approach.

“Mani Residences” received the Peers Award at
the Greek Architecture Awards 2024

Mani Residences received the Peers Award at the category Best Completed Work
of the Greek Architecture Awards 2024, the annual institution launched by DOMa
aiming to highlight contemporary Greek architecture

“Salakos Barn House” received a Mention Award at
the Greek Architecture Awards 2024

Salakos Barn House received a mention award at the category Best Project
of the Greek Architecture Awards 2024, the annual institution launched by DOMa
aiming to highlight contemporary Greek architecture

“Linear Agora” received an Honorable Mention
in the International Competition for Alicante’s new Congress Center

We’re delighted to announce that our proposal, “Linear Agora,” has received an
honorable mention in the international competition for Alicante’s new congress center.
Among over 140 submissions worldwide, our design stood out for its innovative approach
and its spatial qualities. We extend our gratitude to the jury for this recognition,
and we eagerly anticipate next project we will create!

Redefined Barn House” featured in designboom.com


In Salakos, a village in the Rhodes Islands in Greece, P4architecture transforms
an old, unused barn into an airy and stony Subterranean retreat house.
The roof that once sealed the entirety of the barn is now split open to let the
light and air in, creating a sense of openness and illuminating the space with more natural light.”

Celebrating 10 years of P4architecture

This year marks a decade since the first steps of the P4architecture
office, back in 2014! We were delightful to celebrate this with
friends and colleagues in our office in Athens this March. Excited
for the new chapters to come!

11th Biennale of Young Greek Architects

“Frames of Co-Living” and “Mani Residences” received
a distinction in the 11th Biennale of Young Greek Architects,
curated by the Hellenic Institute of Architecture . The exhibition
took place in Thessaloniki in December 2023.

Lecture: Synthesis as a process
at National Yang Ming chia tung university

Alkiviadis Pyliotis and Evangelos Fokialis as guest speakers at the National Yang Ming chia tung university, Taiwan

Lecture: Simplifying Complexities 
at Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

Alkiviadis Pyliotis and Evangelos Fokialis as guest speakers at the Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, Taiwan

P4 participation in “Taiwan Design Week” featured in Ktirio.gr

P4 participation in Taiwan Design Week published in the Greek Electronic Press “Ktirio.gr” 

“Taiwan Design Week 2023

Taiwan Design week showcases the work of P4 architecture in an exhibition with
the title” Simplifying complexities: fragments from a continuous synthetic process” 

“Atrium Habitat” featured in Archetype.gr

“Atrium Habitat” published in the Greek Electronic Press Archetype.gr

“Bouca Houses” featured in DOMÉS 165

“Bouca Houses” selected to be featured on the 165th printed issue of DOMES

Adjunct professor at Patras School of architecture

Alkiviadis Pyliotis appointed as adjunct professor for the academic year 2022-2023,
teaching Architecture Synthesis at the School of Architecture, University of Patras

Jorge Silvetti and Manolis Korres
visiting acropolis with P4Architecture team

P4architecture team visits Acropolis with architects
Jorge Silvetti and Manolis Korres

“Romiri Rehabilitation” as a research field for the
architecture students of NTUA

P4architecture joined its forces with the NTUA School of Architecture hosting an
on-site research and practice workshop with 55 students at the vernacular
settlement of Romiri, Messinia

“Atrium Habitat” is being awarded by Doma

Doma peers award atrium in the Residential category, Research Period 2021

“Forthcoming III” art exhibition, 2022

P4architecture among the selected group of contemporary artists and architects,
exhibiting the marble model of Atrium Habitat. The exhibition explores
the conversations that take place in artists’ studios and studio visits,
forming an inquiry into the expansive terrain of contemporary
artistic inquiry, curated by Dionisis Christofilogiannis

28th Colombian Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism

Alkiviadis Pyliotis attended the 28th Colombian Biennial as a guest speaker
giving the Lecture : Non-Programmed – A praise to the non-assigned spaces Nov(2022)

Yale paprika volume 7 issue 01

The Moment Before: “..In this perception of the creative process, the “final” artifact is never a conclusion but just an instance in a sequence of circumstantial but ordered choices. This frozen moment of the compositional process underlines something more significant – the idea that Synthesis never ends. It continues to evolve for every creator, as a constant doubt of the outcome and as something that is subconsciously and perpetually reshaped, rethought, and rewritten. Thus the “final” project paradoxically works as a “Moment before”; an end that heralds a new beginning enhancing the feeling that something is always waiting to be revealed...” Evangelos Fokialis, Alkiviadis Pyliotis

10th Biennale of Young Greek Architects

“Linear Habitat” and “N75” selected to be featured in the 10th Biennale of Young Greek Architects,
curated by Hellenic Institute of Architecture (Sofia Tsiraki, Tsiampikos Petras)

A-Z harvard for project “Frame of Absense”

A-Z harvard for project of Alkiviadis Pyliotis, Frame of Absense

Winning proposal “Frames of co-living”, International Competition

International Competition for the public student housing in Nicosia, Cyprus

Lecture: Synthesis as a Process – A Year in Retrospect (2021)

Alkiviadis Pyliotis as a guest speaker at the first year of Wentworth Institute of Technology’s Department of Architecture

“Linear Habitat” featured in Archetype.gr

“Linear Habitat” published in the Greek Electronic Press Archetype.gr

Doma peers award linear Habitat 

Doma peers award Linear Habitat in the Residential category, Research Period 2020

Lecture: The Internal Rule of Structure (2021)

Guest speaker at the “BIG IDEA TALK SERIES” at Wentworth Institute of Technology

Adjunct professors at Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston USA

Alkiviadis Pyliotis & Evangelos Fokialis apointed as adjunct professors
at Wentworth Institute of Technology, Boston USA for the academic year 2021-2022

“SYNTHESIS AS A PROCESS – Studio Agora” Publication

Publication of the collective research “Synthesis as a process”
Instructors: Alkiviadis Pyliotis & Evangelos Fokialis

“SYNTHESIS AS A PROCESS” exhibition at Harvard GSD

Final exhibition of the J-term course “Synthesis as a Process – From sketch to the Final Project”
at Harvard Graduate School of Design, Instructors: Alkiviadis Pyliotis & Evangelos Fokialis

“Synthesis as a Process” course creation at
Harvard Graduate School of Design

Alkiviadis Pyliotis & Evangelos Fokialis created & deliver the course:
Synthesis as a Process – From sketch to the Final Project at
Harvard Graduate School of Design, Cambridge USA (Summer Course, Jterm)

“Europe 40 Under 40” award to Konstantinos Pyliotis

Initiated by European Centre for Architecture Art Design and Urban Studies
as an annual program to spotlight and identify the next generation of architects
and designers who will impact future living and working environments, cities, and rural areas.

Harvard Magazine” for the project “Archive ad Infinitum” in Japan

Alkiviadis Pyliotis interviewed by Charles Safaieh for the project Archive ad Infinitum in Japan.
“…Alkiviadis Pyliotis also utilizes transparent design to inculcate an awareness that systems,
whether museums or forests, require multiple actors in order to function…”

Lecture: The “paradox” of integration (2016)

Alkiviadis Pyliotis and Evangelos Fokialis giving a lecture at the conference of
the Hellenic Institute of Architecture on the issue of architectural integration

9th Biennale of Young Greek Architects

Projects “Bouca Houses” and “Inherent Simplicity” selected to be
featured in the 9th Biennale of Young Greek Architects,
curated by Elias Constantopoulos, Christina Papadimitriou, Marianna Milioni 

Lecture: In pursuit of timeless Simplicity (2018)

Invited by Professor Preston Scott Cohen, Alkiviadis Pyliotis and Evangelos Fokialis
gave this lecture at Harvard GSD’s MArch II Proseminar Lecture Series

“Trigonica Simplicitas” featured in Archdaily

“Trigonica Simplicitas” published in Archdaily.com (2017) under the title
“Proposal For A Transparent Museum in Cyprus Rethinks The Urban Square”

Ideal Schools | Shaping Characters (2016)

Alkiviadis Pyliotis and Evangelos Fokialis European Association for Architectural Education,
Amsterdam University of the Arts

“Inherent Simplicity” 2nd award in the European
competition for the Cultural Village of Lempa